[Desnivel nº 301]
Long before his name was familiar to us we wanted to go. After much time looking at photos of American climbers climbing yellow walls, a color so bright it made ​​you wonder if it was not a trick photography, one day you hear is called Needles. All of them had arms of a blacksmith and rose by harsh crack, posing for the photo, with the harness full of friends and stoppers and a lot of air underneath them. But besides the color of the rock is an image that many of us head for years: a climber by the flag twenty feet above the ground, seized with both hands to a huge layback, legs fully extended and as was his custom, cordless. Some may even remember the name of the route: Atlantis. All this creates an almost mythical aura that intimidates you in some way. One must be very hard to climb in the Needles. Not at all.

Desnivel nº 301
Photo gallery

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